Friday, 9 October 2009

"Failed to pause full-text catalog for backup" while backing up a database

So you're trying to back up your database and you get the following error:

Failed to pause full-text catalog for backup. Backup was aborted. Check to make sure Microsoft Full-text Service is running properly and SQL server service have access to full-text service.

There are a couple of things that could be up here. Try all of the following and see if that get's you out of this:

1. Check if the full text service is running. This can be found by opening up the windows services and locating either "SQL Server Full Text Search" or "Microsoft Search Service". If it's not running or disabled then this may be your problem- Retry the backup.

2. Ensure full text catalog is enabled on the databases by running the following command:

exec sp_fulltext_database 'enable'

Retry the backup.

3. If all of the above fails take a note of how the full text catalog is set up on the database in question. It should be accessible via Storage -> Full Text Catalogs. When you see what tables and fields it references try dropping and recreating the full text catalog. Retry the backup.

Hope this helps!

Karma Gardas Snippets Diary - Blogged

"The virtual directory specified already exists"... but it doesn't!

I've come across this issue intermittently on some servers, but I haven't figured out yet why it happens. The times I've seen it happen is when the virtual folder wasn't created with all the permissions required, and then deleting it seems to leave a remnants of it behind. An example of this is when you cannot locate the virtual directory but can see it referenced by an app pool.

So, how do you get rid of it?

9 times out of 10 the following works for me. Let's say the new virtual directory is called "MyDir" and was located in the web site "My Web"

- Open up a command prompt
- Type in the following command:

IIsVDir /delete "My Web"/MyDir

Sometimes if that doesn't work creating the virtual directory (using the same name - MyDir in this example) and running the above command again usually works.

If anyone can shed any light on why this remnants happens please do.

Friday, 2 October 2009

How to programatically move the mouse in C#

.Net gives you access the mouse via "Cursor". You can interact with the mouse position like this:

Cursor.Position = new Point(Cursor.Position.X + 10, Cursor.Position.Y + 10);

Easy peesy